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2003-07-17 | 4:15 p.m.
Spoiled meat.. Spoiled Day...or days.
Well here I am yet again. Just got through reading my sis's entry. Sometimes I guess thats just the way things go. Matt can be difficult to get along with at times (we always fight) but everyone fights. Well today was an okay day, we weren't really super busy at work today but we were not really really slow either. I came home for lunch to eat a salad and grabbed some lunch meat and crackers to eat on the way back - ugh.. got in the car and threw a peice in my mouth and threw the car in reverse... little to find out the lunchmeat was had only been in there a week! See if I buy lunchmeat from walmart deli again. hmmph. I almost puked.. Then from that moment on I have been forcing myself not to puke.

Goin to water aerobics tonight..woohoo! Need to loose some weight! Yesterday after I got offline I called my "best friend" Michele and my "kinda-sorta she slept with my ex *the reason he became an ex* friend" Becky was watching over Michele's house while her & family were on vacation in New Mexico. Sooo Becky wanted to talk ... so I was nice and we talked... about her new boyfriend and Michele and her fling and Mikey (the ex that wont leave me alone? Yeah, him.) She told me I should leave it be.. he was already bragging to everyone and their dog that he had talked to me...?? why? I have no idea. Apparently he thinks I'm speeecial or something to that nature. Anyways I was already aware that I should stay away from the stalker boy - so that was a pointless conversation (Not that I like to have conversations with her anyways!!!).

Anyways I rented a movie "Catch Me If You Can..." And I havent watched it yet... I've had it since monday night LOL I've heard its pretty good.

My friend from when I used to chat at just IM'd me and I haven't talked to her in at least 2 years... Amazing how you can still find people after that long! Its crazy.. I wonder about a lot of different people I used to talk to. I hope they're all doing well now. Anyways I think I'm gonna finish talking to her and go on my way - by the way - special thanks to Amy for signing my guestbook! ~*<3*~

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