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2003-08-03 | 6:03 p.m.
It's kind of boring when you're home alone. Darin went to softball practice then he called and he said only 4 people showed up out of the team of 16. Hmm. I was supposed to go over to Darin's cousin Steve's wife Brandee's house to help her paint her kitchen but she went shopping and got home too late and didn't get the paint bought. Now I'm stuck at home. Oh well I'm used to being ditched. Today my supervisor told me that I was promoted to a Level 2 but performing at Level 4 (the highest you can go) I would be at a Level 4 but I haven't been there long enough.

Darin cleaned the whole house today. I don't mean just did the dishes. I mean the ENTIRE HOUSE, vaccumed wiped down the counters, picked up the living rm, swept, did dishes, EVERYTHING! I was like wahooo! Anyways I'm pretty bored now. I got a new cell phone, I'm excited. I haven't talked to my mom in forever go figure she used me to go with her to get her car and hasn't talked to me since huh? Makes sense. But I called her today to give her my new cell # and she was like "whoa. Havent' talked to you in awhile, how have you been?" Like NOTHIN was wrong! I was like ugh.. Annnnnyways.

I can't wait til I get my satellite I'm so sick of my 9 channels. THERES NEVER ANYTHING ON!


Shay is still a shit talking whore. Her best friend "Tracy" who is like 6'3 and huuuuge threatened to beat me unliving... for what reason you ask? I have no idea either.

Mikey is a lying bastard who likes to lie and make other people look like the liars. He told my friend Michele that Darin threatened to kill him (I KNEW HE WOULD!) when Darin didn't. And I told him that I was going to get offline and I had other things to do besides talk pointlessly and have him deny everything to everyone else BUT ME. So I call my sister and so she (of her own free will) decided to message him and tell him to leave me alone...So then he proceeds to tell Michele that "HE BLOCKED ME AND THEN I HAD MY SISTER MESSAGE HIM TO GRIPE HIM OUT" And michele believes it and calls me childish when I didn't do SHIT. which throughly pissed me off because first of all, she insults mikey all the time, and calls him a liar and then all of a sudden she's believing him and getting pissed at me calling me childish when he's the one thats running to tell everyone what I *SUPPOSEDLY* did? Excuse the fuck out of me but I'm not that childish thank you very much, I never asked anyone to speak to anyone else about anything. never asked Darin to talk to mikey, never asked mikey to talk to Michele, never asked mikey to talk to Robin, never asked neither Robin or Michele to talk to mikey. Yet it ALL HAPPENED and I GET FUCKING BLAMED FOR IT. Go FIGURE. Ugh. Anyways that whole situation throughly pisses me off to even think about it. So I'm gonna quit talking about it now. Just thought I'd explain the situation.

But i'm gonna go now.. Look up ringtones :o)

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